Week 6 – your week by week pregnancy

Congratulations! Your are pregnant. This is the start of an incredible journey. At 6-7 weeks pregnant, there is already a large bulge where your baby’s heart is and a bump at the head end of the neural tube. This bump…

Week 7 – your pregnancy week by week

This week your baby is about 1.2 cm and developing brain cells every second. Not only will the heart and brain start to form but the kidneys and limbs will also be forming in a few days. JOIN OUR PREGNANCY…

Week 8 – your pregnancy week by week

When you are around 8 weeks pregnant, your womb will be about the size of a lemon. You might be feeling tired, your breasts sore and enlarged. You might need to go to the bathroom more often. JOIN OUR PREGNANCY…

Week 9 – your pregnancy week by week

Your little baby’s face is now forming, with bigger eyes and it even has some colour. The tiny mouth and tongue with taste buds have formed. Ridges at the hands and feet are developing. The head is more developed and…

Week 10 – your pregnancy week by week

Your baby is now around 30 mm long from head to toe. The baby is now making movements that can be seen on a scan. This is the time of another growth spurt. The head is looking rounder and eyes,…

Week 11 – your pregnancy week by week

Your baby is now 41mm long and the size of a fig. The head of the baby is still very large but the body is catching up quickly. The fingers and toes are separating out now and there are tiny…

Week 13 – your week by week pregnancy

As you begin the second trimester of pregnancy, your placenta has developed and is providing your baby with oxygen, nutrients, and waste disposal. The placenta also produces the hormones progesterone and estrogen, which help to maintain the pregnancy. Tiny fingerprints…

Week 20 – your week by week pregnancy

You are halfway through your pregnancy, 20 weeks marks the midpoint. Your baby can hear and recognize the mother’s voice. The growth of hair on the rest of the body has started and the skin is getting thicker. The heart…

Week 21 – your week by week pregnancy

This week she/he is about 26cm long and is steadily gaining weight. Your baby’s bone marrow has started making blood cells, a job done by the liver and spleen until this point. The placenta has provided nearly all of your…

Week 22 – your week by week pregnancy

The eyebrows and eyelids are fully developed, and the fingernails cover the fingertips. The senses your baby will use to learn about the world are developing daily. Taste buds have started to form on the tongue, and the brain and…