Heavy bleeding with the copper coil

For many women, a copper coil birth control, also known as an intrauterine device (IUD), is a popular contraceptive option. While the IUD is highly effective at preventing pregnancy, it can also cause some side effects, including excessive bleeding during…

Hospital bag for new baby

Preparing for the arrival of a new baby can be an exciting but overwhelming experience. One of the things that expecting parents need to do is pack a hospital bag. This is the bag that you will bring with you…

Trying to conceive (TTC)

Trying to conceive a child can be an exciting and life-changing experience for many couples. However, sometimes things do not go as planned, and it can take longer than expected to get pregnant. If you have been trying to conceive…

Week 6 – your week by week pregnancy

Congratulations! Your are pregnant. This is the start of an incredible journey. At 6-7 weeks pregnant, there is already a large bulge where your baby’s heart is and a bump at the head end of the neural tube. This bump…

Week 7 – your pregnancy week by week

This week your baby is about 1.2 cm and developing brain cells every second. Not only will the heart and brain start to form but the kidneys and limbs will also be forming in a few days. JOIN OUR PREGNANCY…

Week 8 – your pregnancy week by week

When you are around 8 weeks pregnant, your womb will be about the size of a lemon. You might be feeling tired, your breasts sore and enlarged. You might need to go to the bathroom more often. JOIN OUR PREGNANCY…