Understanding the Foundational Principles of German New Medicine

German New Medicine (GNM) is a controversial alternative medical approach developed by Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer in the early 1980s. Also known as Germanic New Medicine, this theory challenges conventional medical paradigms and seeks to explain the origin and development of diseases from a unique perspective. Dr. Hamer’s theories have garnered both passionate followers and vehement critics, making it essential to examine the foundational principles of German New Medicine with an open mind and a critical approach.

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  1. The Origin of German New Medicine: German New Medicine was born out of personal tragedy and a significant life-changing event in Dr. Hamer’s life. In 1978, he was diagnosed with testicular cancer shortly after his son was tragically shot and killed. Following his diagnosis, Dr. Hamer began to analyze his own case and observed similar patterns in other cancer patients. He developed the idea that there might be a strong connection between the emotional trauma experienced by an individual and the onset of specific diseases, particularly cancer.
  2. The Five Biological Laws: At the core of German New Medicine lies the concept of the “Five Biological Laws.” According to Dr. Hamer, these laws govern the development and progression of diseases in the body. It’s important to note that these laws are not recognized or supported by mainstream medical communities.
  • The First Biological Law: Every disease originates from a shock experience that catches an individual completely off guard.
  • The Second Biological Law: Every disease process consists of two phases—the conflict-active phase and the healing phase.
  • The Third Biological Law: All diseases follow specific biological programs that assist the body during the healing phase.
  • The Fourth Biological Law: Microbes, such as bacteria and viruses, are not the cause of diseases but play a role in the healing process.
  • The Fifth Biological Law: The occurrence of crises and natural laws govern the healing process, determining the duration and intensity of the disease.
  1. Conflict and Healing Phases: According to German New Medicine, during the conflict-active phase, the body undergoes physiological changes in response to a distressing event or emotional shock. These changes are considered adaptive and survival-oriented responses to the conflict. However, if the conflict remains unresolved, the body may enter a healing phase, where it attempts to restore balance and return to a state of health.
  2. Disease as a Meaningful Process: One of the central tenets of German New Medicine is that diseases are not random or purposeless but instead serve a biological purpose. For instance, Dr. Hamer claimed that specific types of cancers occur in response to particular emotional conflicts. He asserted that understanding and resolving these emotional conflicts would be crucial for healing and recovery.
  3. Diagnostic Tools and Treatment: Proponents of German New Medicine believe that traditional diagnostic tools, such as blood tests, biopsies, and imaging, are unnecessary. They argue that the Five Biological Laws provide sufficient insights into the disease process. As for treatment, German New Medicine focuses on resolving the underlying emotional conflicts through counseling and therapy.
  4. Criticism and Controversy: Despite having a loyal following, German New Medicine has been highly criticized by the medical community and many experts. Critics argue that there is a lack of scientific evidence to support the Five Biological Laws and that the approach can lead individuals to reject effective medical treatments in favor of unproven alternatives. Additionally, following the principles of GNM may lead to delayed medical intervention, potentially worsening certain conditions.

In conclusion, German New Medicine proposes a unique and alternative perspective on the origins and development of diseases. While it has gained some adherents who attest to its effectiveness, it remains a controversial theory in the wider medical community. As with any alternative medical approach, individuals considering GNM should exercise caution, seek advice from qualified healthcare professionals, and make informed decisions about their health and treatment options. Ultimately, the integration of evidence-based medicine with an understanding of emotional and psychological factors can provide a more comprehensive approach to healthcare.

Please note that while German New Medicine has its proponents, it’s also highly controversial within the medical community, and its claims have been widely disputed. Please use your own research. Womanfluence is not a medical website and purely provides insights into topics our users find interesting.